Based on bootstrap grid 3

Example grid layout

Fixed container example

(min-width: 1920px) 1890px

(min-width: 1680px and max-width: 1919px) 1650px

(min-width: 1440px and max-width: 1679px) 1410px

(min-width: 1336px and max-width: 1439px) 1336px

(min-width: 1200px and max-width: 1335px) 1170px

(min-width: 992px and max-width: 1199px) 970px

(min-width: 768px and max-width: 991px) 750px

(min-width: 0px and max-width: 767px) 100%


Columns example wish row in container

col-fhd (min-width: 1920px)

col-lhd (min-width: 1680px and max-width: 1919px)

col-mhd (min-width: 1440px and max-width: 1679px)

col-shd (min-width: 1366px and max-width: 1439px)

col-lg (min-width: 1200px and max-width: 1365px)

col-md (min-width: 992px and max-width: 1199px)

col-sm (min-width: 768px and max-width: 991px)

col-xs (min-width: 480px and max-width: 767px)

col-xss (min-width: 0 and max-width: 439px)
